ALPs Enrollment

ALPs Program is a unique program designed to serve gifted learners.  An ALPs Program learner is one who is self-motivated, proficient or advanced in core content areas, and possesses an advanced learner’s skill-set (collaborative, responsible, intellectually curious). Qualified applicants included students who need a more rigorous and faster-paced curriculum; and those whose test scores (AVMR and state-wide assessments) show academic proficiency. 

ALPs Program is comprised of three classrooms & three teachers, with a maximum of 20 students in each classroom.

  • Grades 4/5  ~  20 Students
  • Grades 6, 7, 8 ~ 40 Students (two classrooms, two teachers)



Students must apply for enrollment. Completed applications must by submitted by MARCH 1st; applications are not considered if received after this date. Once the application deadline has passed, school officials review the number of qualifying candidates to determine grade level configurations. A waiting list is formed only if a lottery for placement is needed (more applications received than placements available in a classroom).

ALPs Application 2025 - PDF

ALPs Application 2025 - Digital


Application Review Process

The ALPs Program application review process begins during the first week of March. Completed applications are reviewed, and all applicants are contacted when enrollment decisions have been finalized.

STEP 1 - Survey: If a student meets the required criteria (proficient or advanced in all core areas), a survey is sent to the student's current teacher. 

STEP 2 - Lottery: Available grade level space is reviewed.  If the number of applications exceeds the number of openings for that grade level, a lottery will be done for placements.

  • How is a lottery done?  ​​
    • Qualified applications are sorted in groups by grade level.
    • Pull-apart tickets are stapled to each application; the remaining ticket half is placed in a container.
    • Tickets are then randomly drawn and placed as #1, 2, 3, etc.
    • Any applications that cannot be placed will be lotteried for a waiting list (for that desired grade).

STEP 3 - Acceptance: Parents are contacted by the principal, Tyler Umentum, and/or the secretary, Mrs. Martinez, with results. Accepted applicants are provided additional enrollment and school information. (NOTE: Applicants that did not meet enrollment criteria are also contacted.)