Newsletter May 2023



BREAKFAST begins in the cafeteria at 7:55AM


~ Please Slow Down ~

The corner of Bismarck and Eagle Streets can be especially dangerous for our students before and after school.  

Please slow down and watch for pedestrians. 

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!


May & June Important Dates

April 30-May 5 - Washington DC class trip
May 1 - Recreation Dept Summer Online Resident Registration opens-- see links in newsletter for details
May 3 - Bike to School
May 8-18 - Grades 4/5 Human Growth & Development
May 10-11 - iReady testing
May 11 - 6:00 PM Parent Advisory meeting
               in the Media Center
May 12 - NO SCHOOL for students - staff development
May 15 - Arts Night 
                5:00-7:00 PM Art Show in Cafeteria
                6:00 PM 7&8 gr Orchestra/Choir in gym
May 17 - Kwik Trip order placed
May 18 - GT Literacy students at FVTC
May 18 - 7:00 PM Orchestra Concert
May 20 - 7th Annual Golf Outing
May 22 - 4:00 PM Ice Cream Social
                 in Cafeteria (use Door #14)
May 29 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
                Support the Tipler Band in the parade
May 31 - 9:30 AM Awards Ceremony
                 in Cafeteria
***8th graders- Luncheon following the ceremony***
June 1 - End of year field trips
               see newsletter for details
10:00 AM - 8th grade Promotion Ceremony -
                     use Door #14  **Doors open at 9:40 AM**


Track Schedule

ALL PRACTICES are 3:45-5:00 PM
May 2 - 4:00 PM
vs. South Park MS at North HS
May 4 - 4:00 PM
vs. Merrill MS at North HS
May 9 - 4:00 PM
vs. Webster MS at West HS
May 15 - 4:00 PM
vs. Traeger MS at West HS
May 25
4:30 PM -8th gr All-City Meet at West HS 
4:00 PM -7th gr All-City Meet at North HS


End-of-the-Year Field Trip Information

4th - 7th Grades
WHEN:  Thursday, June 1st
WHERE:  Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary & Amusement Park - Green Bay
TIME:  8:30 AM-3:30 PM
COST:  $13
8th Grade
WHEN:  Thursday, June 1st
WHERE:  Mt. Olympus - WI Dells
TIME:  8:00 AM-5:00 PM
COST:  $25

Last Chance! Yearbook Sale!

Don't miss out on this final opportunity to order a Tipler/ALPs 2022-2023 Yearbook!

DATE:  May 15 - 26
COST:  $20 (Cash only)
*Limited quantities will be available for purchase
May 30 - June 2 or until they are sold out!*

Perry Tipler/ALPs Parent Advisory Meeting

~Thursday, May 11 at 6:00 PM~

TOPIC:  Social Media Safety/Precautions

1) School Updates
2) Presentation- Social Media Safety/Precautions with Officer Brandl
3) Questions & Answers
The meeting will take place in the media center.
Snacks provided.

Arts Night at Tipler!

Join the Music and Art Departments on Monday, May 15th, for a night displaying student art and musical performances.  The Art Show will open at 5pm in the Tipler Cafeteria, with digital slides of student artwork being shown in the gymnasium throughout the musical performances.  The melodic performances by the Tipler Band, Orchestra, and Choirs will begin at 6pm.
We hope you can join us in a night of celebrating the Tipler/ALPs students' achievements!
WHEN:  Monday, May 15th
ART SHOW:  5pm in the Tipler Cafeteria
MUSIC CONCERT:  6pm in the Tipler Gymnasium
**All artwork in the show is welcome to be taken home by their creator and/or family after the Arts Night has concluded.


~Newspapers Needed for Art Rooms~

Mrs. Meyer and Mrs. Elgersma are always looking for newspaper donations for use in their classrooms. 
Please drop off any newspaper donations to Perry Tipler’s main office.  Any help would be appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding art projects or goings-on in the art classrooms,
please contact your student’s art teacher,
Mrs. Emily Meyer 
424-0320  ext. 5550 
Mrs. Erika Elgersma 
424-0320  ext. 5537  

Save the Date!



We need YOU to help make the golf outing a success!

We still have golfing spots open for our annual golf outing on May 20th.  Please contact Mrs. Horn if you would like to golf.

If you are not interested in golfing or are unable to attend, would you be willing to create a gift basket or have your place of employment create a gift basket for a raffle prize?  You can also donate individual items and raffle baskets will be compiled.
This is Tipler’s / ALPs biggest fundraiser, please consider golfing &/or donating item(s) for raffle baskets.  This event is such an amazing way to help support our classrooms and our school!  In the past the event has supported classroom books, PBIS supplies, playground equipment, and much more!



Tipler's 8th Grade Promotion!

WHEN:  Friday, June 2

WHERE:  Tipler Gym

TIME:  10-11:15am (doors open at 9:40am)

**8th grade students will be permitted to leave after the ceremony only with a parent or guardian after they check out in the office.  They are welcome to stay at school until the end of the day, if they wish.

From the Health Office

All medications are to be picked up by parent/guardian on or before the last day of school.  Our policy will not allow us to keep them for the next school year.

**If your child has a current health plan or emergency plan on file with school-  you will receive a digital copy during the summer to update for the upcoming school year.
**If your child has a change in their health or has a healthcare need at school-  please contact our school district nurse, Stefanie Rebholz via email during the summer and she will contact you at the beginning of the school year to discuss.
**If your child will need to take medication at school-  please work with your doctor to have the following form completed and signed before the start of the school year.  As a reminder, the directions on the medication bottle must match the written order on the medication request form.
**If you have a child with a severe allergy and/or asthma, or seizures-  the following forms will need to be completed for our school nurse. Inhalers, Epi-Pens, Allergy medications, etc., must be in their original containers.  Expiration dates will be monitored.
**Please click on link below to learn more about immunizations needed for NEXT YEAR 7th GRADE STUDENTS:
Continue to stay healthy and enjoy your summer. 
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Stefanie Rebholz, RN

Returning OASD Student Enrollment 2023-2024

March 31st-September 1st




FREE Happy Sun with Black Sunglasses Clipart | Pearly Arts

Summer Oshkosh Mathematics Academy 2023

SOMA Info & Registration




Registration for the 2023 FVTC Summer Camps is open!


Online Resident Registration begins Monday, May 1st

Click below for more information

Be part of ORD's Youth Track Meet

FOR: Youth ages 7-12
WHEN:  Friday, June 16, 9:00am
WHERE:  Oshkosh North High School Track
Complete registration form below and submit it to the Rec Dept (425 Division St) on or before Fri, June 2nd.

drop off pick up vehicle

Student Drop-off & Pick-up

Students being dropped off before school and picked up after school need to do so on  Bismarck Street
     *Cars are NOT allowed in the circle drive.
     *Please DO NOT stop or stand on Eagle Street.
     *Please DO NOT drop-off/pick-up in our side
        parking lot.
Thank you for your cooperation in
keeping our students safe!

Attendance Procedure at ALPs Charter School

Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school by 9am on the day of absence.   
Call 920-424-0349 - leave a message if the secretary does not answer. 
*APPOINTMENT - state the date and time of the appointment.
*PERSONAL EXCUSE - you do not need to give a reason, but you can if you would like.
*ILL - state your child's symptoms or if they have received a diagnosis from a doctor. If more information is needed, a school nurse may give you a call back.
*VACATION - state the dates your child will be absent and when they are returning to school.
~ Thank you for helping us keep your student's attendance as accurate as possible ~


What's happening in our community? 

Community Event Links

OASD Food Service

2022-2023 Food Service Information

Click HERE to view available job openings!

School Lunch

Let's stay connected!
Be sure to follow us on

"Perry Tipler Middle/ALPs Charter"

Please check your student’s fees in IC

Students fees will follow them all
through their school career in OASD,
and can make them ineligible for
participation in some activities.


Sign up for and/or reset
Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Parent Portal Request Form

Become a Canvas Observer
Feel free to email Tim Kohl at

if you need assistance.


April Photos