Newsletter February 2021




ALPs Charter School


  MODEL 3 - HYBRID Learning - THRU 2/17

MODEL 2 - Five days a week - starts on 2/18/21


2020-2021 Governing Board Meetings have been temporarily suspended. Conferences and weekly communications will continue to be our methods for staying connected and supplying pertinent information to our amazing families.  Thank you.



01 - The Fire Escape Fundraiser starts!

04 - Scheduling forms (2021-22) due to Mrs. Warczak

05 - Fire Escape "In-Store Shop" Day!  Noon-7 pm

10 - Early release @ 1:26

Kwik Trip cards ordered

15 - No School / Professional Development for staff

18 - Model 2 learning begins            (Five day, in-person)

Hot cocoa



During this school year, we are designating money earned from Kwik Trip cards orderes for the 2023 Washington DC school trip.   If you are interested in ordering this month, please send your order/payment to to school with your child.   If you forget, please either email or call Mrs. Warczak with your order.
As always, thank you for supporting our students
and this Kwik Trip program!
More details can be found in the links below.
DC KWIK TRIP - Order Form
DC KWIK TRIP - Program Details




Reminder to all families that we host various fundraising opportunities three years prior to the trip date.  Fundraising amounts are shared with all traveling students, and your participation is optional.   

Washington DC Fundraising Event 

(School trip planned for Spring 2023)

Fire Escape Logo

February 1st through February 8th

- AND -

"In-store shopping day"

Friday, 2/5  ~  12:00 -7PM (for ceramics or other project ideas you might want to try)

The Fire Escape

Browse through the options to view the featured items (Please note that wood crafts do not have to be returned for additional finishing).

Online orders will be ready for pickup on February 10th

We earn 15% for each project

(ordering online and in-store shoping day).



Let's stay connected!

Be sure to follow us on 
"Perry Tipler Middle/ALPs Charter"

Please check your student’s fees in Infinite Campus. 

Students fees will follow them all through their school career in Oshkosh Area School District, and can make them ineligible for participation in some activities.

Thank you for respecting policies!

All ALPs Charter classrooms are nut and seed free.  Please check all packaging before sending snacks to school.  Students are allowed and encouraged to bring light, healthy snacks to eat in the classroom. 


This includes seeds on crackers.

Students should not bring birthday treats to school, per board policy. 


Nurses - Berlin Intermediate School
Please take a few minutes to read this important information from our OASD Health Dept.


COVID Data and Symptoms

In an effort to still track return to school dates for students, we would like you to continue to notify your child's school when they have symptoms or have been in close contact/household contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.

Please call 920-424-0349  (ALPs office) or email 


Photo Gallery

Community Events     

Community Event Links