Newsletter January 2020
ALPs Charter School
January Events
09 New Recruitment/Open House
3:00-4:00 pm, Media Center
- Kwik Trip Cards ordered (See our "Families" page for order forms and program details)
17 New Recruitment/Open House
3:00-4:00 pm, Media Center
NEW ENROLLMENT INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND on the following website page:
Attention all 8th grade families
03 - Sam R.
13 - Jordan G.
25 - Kate H.
All ALPs Charter classrooms are nut and seed free. Please check all packaging before sending snacks to school. Students are allowed and encouraged to bring light, healthy snacks to eat in the classroom.
FOOD DRIVE - Mr. Hilger's 4/5 grade classroom participated in the Mid-Morning Kiwanis Club's Food Drive during December. To encourage students, they crafted ideas for raffle baskets. Each donated item received one ticket to be placed in the raffle bucket of choice. The top raffle prize was a giant panda bear. Here are the winners and the students that helped with the morning drawing.
Food Drive Raffle Winners!
The Lego League Teams {Polystyrenes and Code Orange} did an amazing job in their competitions recently. Please click on this link to learn details AND see team pictures. Congratulations to the teams AND to the amazing pod of coaches and parents!
ALPs Charter 6-8 grade students went to Discovery World on Friday, December 13th. Half of the day students participated in a dissection lab learning how to properly dissect a specimen, and learning the interior and exterior parts of a perch. Many students were unsure how they felt about dissections while others thoroughly enjoyed it. The other half of the day was spent exploring the rest of the museum. Discovery World does a great job helping students learn about a variety of science content in real life examples. Student flew a plane, drove a car, swam in the deep dark of the ocean, laid on a bed of nails, felt stingrays, fish, and horseshoe crabs. Students had a blast and have been talking about it since!
Dax and Liem
Ryan and Mady
Zosia and Nora
Ean and Sam K.
Trip and Grace
Cain and Alex D.
Exploring Discovery World
A view from above
Bed of Nails ~ Kate
Sam M. and Ike
Nora, Shaylee, Annika, Kiley and Izzy
Aquarium fun - Sam R.
The 6th Annual Gingerbread House Construction was held Wednesday, 12/18 in our school cafeteria. Thank you to the parents and grandparents that helped to slather on icing and sample the assorted decorating items. The pictures are worth a thousand words, so please enjoy!
Talan and Harmony
Natalie and mom
Sophie and mom
Isaac and mom
Shaun, Ike, Tony, Jordan, Jersey
Shaylee and mom
Jacob, Hayden and dad
Mr. Mellgren
Sophie and Natalie
Ryan, Mady, Kennedy, Henry
Helen, Trip, Miles, Talan, Kate
Grace, Kiley and Helen
Shua, Maya and Grandpa
Franek and Auden
Zach, dad and mom
Stella, Lena, Grandma, Freya
Special thanks to...
- Mr. Wachholz for piping in the holiday tunes!
- Mrs. Poquette for stopping in to visit!
Ty, Violet and Lizzy
6th grade table
Community Events 
Home & School - Jan 2020 (Elementary families)
MS Years - Jan 2020 (Middle School families)