Newsletter January 2021
ALPs Charter School
MODEL 3: Hybrid Learning
STARTS 1/11/2021
OASD Revised A/B School Year Calendar
Hybrid Learning A/B Weekly Schedule
Are you A or B Group?
Below is a link to the instructions to see which learning group you are in, using Infinite Campus.
04 - School resumes virtually
06 - Early release @ 1:26
11 - Hybrid Model resumes
13 - Kwik Trip cards ordered
15 - End of Semester 1
18 - No School / Professional Development for staff
19 - Semester two begins
21 - Picture Retake Day, 1:00-3:30 - last opportunity for A/B groups AND eAcademy!
DC KWIK TRIP - Order Form
DC KWIK TRIP - Program Details
~ ALPs Charter school ~
Class Scheduling for 2021-22 School Year
Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about scheduling for next school year! There will be more information being given to students during the upcoming weeks, but here is some basic information to start with.
Current 5th, 6th and 7th grade students will be receiving information on their elective choices on January 25th and January 26th from either Mr. Hilger, Mrs. Horn or Mrs. Lambie. Students will bring that information home for parent/guardian approval, and will then return it to your teacher BY FEBRUARY 4th. (Mrs. Warczak works with Dr. Poquette and Mrs. Duff for scheduling your courses into Infinite Campus for next year, so students will not need to enter information into Infinite Campus). For those students enrolled in eAcademy, Mrs. Duff, our school counselor, will reach out to them and inform them of their choices.
For our current 8th grade students, both Oshkosh North and Oshkosh West information can be found within THIS LINK For those students who will be attending Oshkosh North, Mrs. Duff has forwarded all information to families. Students need to enter choices by JANUARY 22nd. Students attending Oshkosh West will be receiving their information through e-mail beginning the week of January 25 (or refer to the link for a preview).
PICTURE RE-TAKE DAY ~ Thursday, January 21st, 1:00-3:30 pm
COVID Data and Symptoms
In an effort to still track return to school dates for students, we would like you to continue to notify your child's school when they have symptoms or have been in close contact/household contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.
2021-2022 Out-of-Attendance-Area & Open Enrollment
Employment Opportunities!
Photo Gallery
Please check your student’s fees in Infinite Campus.

Students being dropped off before school & picked up after school need to do so on Bismarck Street.
Time is Running Out!
Yearbook cost is $18.
Let's stay connected!
"Perry Tipler Middle/ALPs Charter"