Newsletter March 2021
01 - Deadline for new enrollment applications
10 - Early release @ 1:26
Kwik Trip cards ordered
15 - Thunderbird Bakery order forms and payments due to Mrs. Warczak
23 - End of 3rd Quarter
24 -Thunderbird Bakery - Order Pickup Day, 3-6 pm
29 thru 4/3 - Spring Break (School resumes on 4/5)
We've connected with Thunderbird Bakery in Oshkosh for a fundraising opportunity! We will earn 25% of our total sales! Order forms are now available and you may start to take orders.
Order form(s) and payments are due to Mrs. Warczak by MARCH 15th.
(Order forms will be returned with packaged orders)
Payments should be made to ALPs Charter School -OR- to a parent... one check sent to Mrs. Warczak for all orders would be appreciated.
*Orders will be picked up from the bakery by Mrs. Warczak and returned to school on March 24th. Families will need to pickup their orders at school, then distributing to those that ordered from you.
We are planning a "drive through" pickup at the main entrance of Tipler/ALPs. It will start @ 4 pm. PLEASE do not arrive earlier than 4:00. We need to avoid after school buses, student traffic and general chaos that occurs after school. Orders are being picked up from Thunderbird Bakery after 3 - Time is needed to load, transport back to school and to organize for a smooth pickup.
ALPs Charter School
MODEL 2 = Five days a week
Middle School Spring Sports
*Track is limited to 7th/8th graders
Informational meetings during recess
Forms and Fees DUE
NOTE: Practice will start after Spring Break with exact dates announced after the full schedules are released.
During this school year, we are designating money earned from Kwik Trip cards orderes for the 2023 Washington DC school trip. If you are interested in ordering this month, please send your order/payment to to school with your child. If you forget, please either email or call Mrs. Warczak with your order.
DC KT - Order Form
DC KT - Program Details
2021 Suicide Prevention Model NoticeWisconsin state law requires schools to provide staff and students with basic awareness materials to prevent suicide. We are sharing this information with all families through the newsletter so that you are also informed of the suicide warning signs. Please contact our school counselor, Lisa Duff, or me, Sarah Poquette, Principal, if you have any questions about the information or specific concerns regarding your child. Thank you for your continued support.
Phone: (920) 424-0320
Employment Opportunities!
Please check your student’s fees in IC
COVID Data and Symptoms
In an effort to still track return to school dates for students, we would like you to continue to notify your child's school when they have symptoms or have been in close contact/household contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.