Newsletter May 2021
ALPs Charter School
Model 2: In-Person Learning Five Days a Week
Wednesday, May 5th is "Bike to School" day!
Music and prizes!
Grab your bike, helmet and bike lock... see you at the bike racks!
May Events
June Events
8th Grade Promotional Ceremony
Thursday, June 3rd at 2pm
Note to Parents/Guardians
Cars are NOT allowed in the circle drive and they are NOT to stop or stand on Eagle Street for drop-offs or pick-ups. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!
Please check your student’s fees in IC
COVID Data and Symptoms
In an effort to still track return to school dates for students, we would like you to continue to notify your child's school when they have symptoms or have been in close contact/household contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.
HOW TO SIGN UP for Parent Portal in ICParent Portal Request Form
Existing Families: Annual enrollment for returning (existing) students is required and only by fully completing the enrollment process will a student’s place at school be assured. The annual enrollment process includes updating demographic and contact information, as well as making online fee and food service payments. Existing families must complete the online enrollment process by accessing their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
All returning (existing) students must be registered by 8.31.2021
Photo Gallery
CONGRATULATIONS to the Tipler/ALPs Lego League Team!
Team 16152 Baksteen Valken
Weekend of camping (4/24) for several of our Boy Scouts at Rokilio Camp in Kiel.