Newsletter November 2019
ALPs Charter School
November Events
03 - Daylight Savings Time - "Fall Back" as of 2 am
04 - End of first quarter
08 - Veteran’s Day Celebration, 2-3:30, gym
12 - 4/5 Youth Symphony FT
13 - Early release @ 1:26
14 - P/T Conferences, 4-7
15 - Kringle orders due
19 - P/T Conferences, 4-7
Governing Board Meeting, 5:15
27, 28 & 29 - No school, Thanksgiving
Tipler/ALPs Event Calendar
Veteran’s Day Celebration
All ALPs Charter classrooms are nut and seed free. Please check all packaging before sending snacks to school. Students are allowed and encouraged to bring light, healthy snacks to eat in the classroom. NO NUTS/SEEDS. This includes seeds on crackers.
Students should not bring birthday treats to school, per board policy. WE ARE A SCHOOL WITH MANY ALLERGIES (including Latex). Thank you for respecting policies and keeping our students safe.
05 - Violet V.
13 - Shua
18 - Jacob D.
20 - Konrad