Newsletter Dec. 2023



BREAKFAST begins in the cafeteria at 7:55AM


A Note from Dr. Poquette

Starting December 4th, parents will get an email if their child is tardy for 2 or more class periods in a day. We have had an increase in excessive tardiness this year and we are hoping a conversation from parents/guardians will help. 
Thank you,
Dr. Sarah Poquette, Tipler/ALPs Principal

December Important Dates

Dec. 5
7/8 gr Girls Basketball meeting
at recess Room 114 
3:55 PM Boys Basketball - last game
8 gr at Tipler, 7 gr at South Park
Dec. 7
3:45-5:00PM - School Dance
Dec. 8
NO SCHOOL for students
staff development
Dec. 9
4:00 - 7:00 PM - OASD Art Exhibition
at Masonic Temple
details below
Dec. 12
Last day of Kiwanis Food Drive
Kwik Trip Scrip order placed
3:45-5:00 PM - Girls 1st Basketball Practice
Dec 14
7:00 PM - Musical - Matilda Jr
Dec 15
7:00 PM - Musical - Matilda Jr
Dec. 19
7:00 PM - 6, 7, 8 gr Orchestra Concert
Dec. 20
Graham Cracker Construction Day
during 7th hour (2:40 - 3:30 PM)
(click HERE for flyer)
Dec 21
Herd Basketball permission forms & payment due
through School Store
see information below
Classroom Holiday Party
movie & hot cocoa after lunch
Tipler / ALPs Staff vs Student Volleyball Game
in the afternoon
Dec. 22 - Jan. 1
Winter Break

*8th Grade Orientation*




West High School

January 8th at 6:00 PM 


C:\Users\jacqueline.lundquist\Downloads\Spartan Head 3.bmp




North High School

January 11th at 5:00 PM

ONHS - Letter to Parents

ONHS - Informational flyer


Each month we participate in the Scrip Program.
Money earned this school year will be used for the Washington DC trip in Spring 2027.

~~Order being placed Dec. 12th~~



4 Creative Ideas for Hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive - Purplepass

Tipler / ALPs Food Drive

Nov. 27 - Dec. 12

Tipler and ALPs are participating in the Kiwanis Food Drive again this year!  Please bring non-perishable food to homeroom.  Let’s see which grade level can bring in the most food to help stock the shelves for others this holiday season!




Tipler/ALPs - HERD UP! 

On Wednesday, January 17th, Tipler/ALPs will be attending the Wisconsin Herd basketball game to celebrate the many positive behaviors we see everyday!
The cost is $15
(includes the bus ride, game ticket and lunch at the arena)
*School Store will be open December 1st - 21st to complete permission form and submit payment.  NO PAPER FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
*Students must meet behavior and attendance requirements to be eligible to attend this field trip.*

Choir Corner with Mr. Lindley

DATE:  Thursday & Friday, December 14 &15

TIME:  7pm

PLACE:  Perry Tipler Gymnasium

"This story of a girl who dreams of a better life and the children she inspires will have audiences rooting for the "revolting children" who are out to teach the grown-ups a lesson. Matilda has astonishing wit, intelligence... and special powers! She's unloved by her cruel parents but impresses her schoolteacher, the highly loveable Miss Honey. Matilda's school life isn't completely smooth sailing, however – the school's mean headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, hates children and just loves thinking up new punishments for those who don't abide by her rules. But Matilda has courage and cleverness in equal amounts, and could be the school pupils' saving grace!"
Matilda Jr. is coming up for Tipler/ALPs students on December 14th and 15th! On both nights, the show starts at 7:00 PM with a special guest appearance from the Oshkosh West High School Madrigal singers on Friday night's performance. All students perform both nights and are expected to be there regardless of their roles. The students have put a lot of work into this show and you will be very proud. Students should be in the Tipler Gym by 6:30 both nights to prepare for their performances. Look for emails regarding costumes/how to dress soon! 
~Mr. Lindley

Art News from Mrs. Meyer

Art show season begins this month!

*Many students will have their artwork on display at the show. 
Students with work within the show will be notified by the end of the day on Tuesday, December 5.   

Watch for information regarding these events in future newsletters:

Helen Farnsworth Mears Art Contest/Show
Oshkosh Public Library (lower level)
106 Washington Ave, Oshkosh
*Celebrating the artwork of 7th and 8th grade students throughout the state, will be held throughout the month of March.
March is Youth Art Month!
Art Space Collective Gallery
7 Merritt Ave, Oshkosh
*This art show will display student artwork from all Oshkosh Area School District schools.
The art rooms are always looking for newspaper donations to use with projects.  Please consider saving any newspapers you might get and dropping them off at school or send them with your student(s).  Newspapers are always welcome in the art rooms.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding art projects or course happenings, please contact:
Mrs. Emily Meyer 
920-424-0320  ext. 6480

Lego League News

Baksteen Valken competed with 29 teams in the FIRST Lego League Regional Tournament this weekend at Parker HIgh School in Janesville, WI. The team did an outstanding job during our judged presentations, and were nominated for the Robot Design Award, and were the WINNERS of the Innovation Project Award. The team also placed 2nd in the robot matches, and were a runner-up for the Tournament Champion Award!
We are very proud of the team's achievements this year, and are excited to continue working on our research project and improving our robot performance ahead of the Waukesha Sectional tournament on Saturday, December 16.


Pre-order your yearbook today!

Yearbook sales will ONLY be done online by clicking the link below.
Enter "Tipler Middle School" 
Click "buy a yearbook"
Enter your student's name and homeroom teacher. 

Cost is $18 

Yearbook sales end March 29, 2024.  

Ski Club

January 15 (no school day)
January 26
February 8
February 23
Registration and School Store must be completed between November 1st - December 15th.
*No late registrations allowed*
All 4 trips will cost $134.
Additional cost for ski/snowboard rentals.
Bus cost is $40 for all 4 trips.



7th & 8th Grade
ALL PRACTICES are 3:50-5:15 PM
Practice begins October 16th
No practice Nov 22, 23 & 24
ALL GAMES start at 3:55 PM


basketball swishing through net | Basketball drawings, Sports themed room,  Basketball net

School Store is now open for Girls Basketball.  If your child is in 7th or 8th grade and interested in joining the girls basketball team, please go to your Infinite Campus School Store to sign her up.  Please remember to add it to your cart and submit. 

Directions At-A-Glance for School Store

7th & 8th Gr Girls Basketball Schedule

Online Athletic Sign-Up

Athletic Forms- must be completed online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Payments- must be made online through the Infinite  Campus Parent Portal 


Why Is Golf More Fun To Play With Others? - American Classic

8th Annual Golf Outing


The 8th Annual Tipler/ALPs Golf outing is set for May 18th.
We would love for you to be a part of an awesome tradition that helps raise funds for our schools. 
Do you like to golf?
You could make a team of 4. 
Do you want to help, but are unable to attend?
You could create a gift basket or have your place of employment create a gift basket for a raffle prize.

This is our biggest fundraiser to support students and we would love for you to help out. 


drop off pick up vehicle

Student Drop-off & Pick-up

Students being dropped off before school and picked up after school need to do so on  Bismarck Street
     *Cars are NOT allowed in the circle drive on Eagle Street.
     *Please DO NOT stop or stand on Eagle Street.
     *Please DO NOT drop-off/pick-up in our side parking lot.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!

Attendance Procedure at ALPs Charter School

Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school by 9am on the day of absence.   
Call 920-424-0349 - leave a message if the secretaries do not answer. 
*APPOINTMENT - state the date and time of the appointment.
*PERSONAL EXCUSE - you do not need to give a reason, but you can if you would like.
*ILL - state your child's symptoms or if they have received a diagnosis from a doctor. If more information is needed, a school nurse may give you a call back.
*VACATION - state the dates your child will be absent and when they are returning to school.
~ Thank you for helping us keep your student's attendance as accurate as possible ~


New Field Trip Process

Please click on the letter below to read about the new field trip process that will be taking effect this school year.


Volunteer Application Process

*Scroll to the bottom and click on "Volunteer Application Process" to get started.



What's happening in our community? 

Community Event Links

Food Service

Employment Opportunities 

Click HERE to view available openings!

Let's stay connected!
Be sure to follow us on

Please check your student’s fees in IC

Students fees will follow them all
through their school career in OASD,
and can make them ineligible for
participation in some activities.


Sign up for and/or reset
Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Parent Portal Request Form

Become a Canvas Observer
Feel free to email Tim Kohl at

if you need assistance.


November Photos