Newsletter Feb. 2024



BREAKFAST begins in the cafeteria at 7:55AM


Bismarck Avenue is meant for drop-off and pick-up ONLY.

*on North side of Bismarck Avenue to avoid crossing traffic
*Near the crossing guard to ensure safe crossing
*Further down Bismarck Avenue to avoid congested areas

*NO DROP-OFF or PICK-UP  in our parking lot or the circle drive*

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!



February Important Dates:

Feb 5
5:00 PM ALPs Preview Night
in Tipler Media Center
Feb 8
4:00 - 10:00 PM - Ski Club
Feb 9
NO SCHOOL for students
staff development
Feb 20
4:15 PM Wrestling meet
at Berlin Middle School
Feb 21
Kwik Trip Scrip order placed
Feb 23
4:00 - 10:00 PM - Ski Club
Feb 24
4:30 PM - Night of 1000 Strings
at North HS fieldhouse
Feb 27
4:00 PM - MS Choir Solo/Ensemble
at Phillips MS
4:45 PM - Wrestling meet
at Xavier HS Appleton

8th Grade - Mt. Olympus

We are looking ahead to the 8th grade end-of-year field trip to Mt. Olympus. Please see the attached letter below in preparation for this field trip.

2024-25 ALPs Application is now available
It can be found on the OASD website.

ALPs Application

 If you, or someone you know, are interested in possible enrollment, please check out our website 
or call/email the ALPs office.

- Preview Night -

Monday, Feb. 5, 2024 at 5:00 PM
in the Media Center
Please RSVP to Preview Night

Out-of-Attendance & Open Enrollment 2024-2025

Out-of-Attendance -
Applications to attend another school WITHIN the OASD for the 2024-2025 school year are due Friday, February 23, 2024.
Open Enrollment -
Applications to attend another public school OUTSIDE of the OASD for the 2024-2025 school year are due by 4pm on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Click below for more information and link to applications:


* Scrip order being placed Feb. 21st *

We earn an extra 5% discount this month!

10% Discounted rate on “Gas and Gift” card
(reg. 5% discount) 
20% Discounted rate on “Grocery Only” card
(reg. 15% discount)

Informational Cover Letter

Order Form

Middle School Choir Solo/Ensemble

WHEN:   Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 (4:00 -7:00 PM)
WHERE  Vel Phillips Music Wing (there will be a map)
WHY:   Students will sing for a well-qualified judge who will give them strategies on how to improve their solo singing. 
DRESS:   This is a very casual event, students should dress casual to business casual. An ideal dress would be khakis and a button down or nice pants and a nice shirt. I will leave it up to the parent’s discretion. 

Times will be determined one week in advance.
Once we get a final number of students who are attending from all schools, the teachers will determine a schedule.
Students should show up 5 minutes before their scheduled time and can leave right after they are done.
They do NOT need to be there from 4-7pm.
Please contact Mr. Lindley with any questions:


A pawsitive reading experience for kids

Calling all young readers! The Oshkosh Public Library is once again inviting children in grades 4K-5 to spend time reading to registered therapy dogs. The opportunity is part of the library’s READ to a Dog program (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) which takes place on Mondays from 4 - 5:15 p.m. beginning February 3 through April 27. 

Families may reserve a 15-minute session by calling the Children's Desk at 920.236.5208. LEARN MORE!

Reading aloud to a trained reading dog is a great way for children to practice their skills in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment. The dogs are eager to hear some good stories and non-fiction!


The Oshkosh Area School District invites parents/guardians to participate in a practical and entertaining five-week parenting program, beginning February 21, from 5-7 p.m. at South Park Middle School. This program is open to anyone who works with children or has children of their own. Participants have the opportunity to meet with other parents/guardians/educators and discuss and practice a new strategy each week. 
  • Do you want to feel more confident as a parent? 
  • Would you like to have more fun parenting?
  • Do you want to feel more relaxed at the end of the day? 
  • Are you interested in learning practical parenting skills that you can use immediately?
This program is for you! 
All for only $10 which covers the cost of the manual.
Pre-registration via email is required. See flyer for more information.

Lego League News

We are excited to share the results from the Wisconsin State Championship which took place on Sunday, January 21 at Madison College. We competed alongside 25 other top-ranked teams from across that state and the competition was very tough, and very fun!
We earned the 4th place robot game high score, and the 2nd place Robot Design award, which put us in position to qualify for postseason international competition. We just received an invitation today for the American Robotics Invitational, and the team is considering if we will be able to make the trip May 17-20 (the competition is May 18-19). 

Tipler / ALPs Ski Club

Grades 6, 7, 8
4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
February 8th
February 23rd
March 1st

**Registration is closed**


The art rooms are always looking for newspaper donations to use with projects.  Please consider saving any newspapers you might get and dropping them off at school or send them with your student(s).  Newspapers are always welcome in the art rooms.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding art projects or course happenings, please contact:
Mrs. Emily Meyer 
920-424-0320  ext. 6480


Pre-order your yearbook today!

Yearbook sales will ONLY be done online by clicking the link below.
Enter "Tipler Middle School" 
Click "buy a yearbook"
Enter your student's name and homeroom teacher. 

Cost is $18 

Yearbook sales end March 29, 2024.  


Online Athletic Sign-Up

Athletic Forms- must be completed online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Payments- must be made online through the Infinite  Campus Parent Portal 

Practice begins January 31st
ALL Practices are 3:45-5:15 PM


Why Is Golf More Fun To Play With Others? - American Classic

8th Annual Golf Outing


The 8th Annual Tipler/ALPs Golf outing is set for May 18th.
We would love for you to be a part of an awesome tradition that helps raise funds for our schools. 
Do you like to golf?
You could make a team of 4. 
Do you want to help, but are unable to attend?
You could create a gift basket or have your place of employment create a gift basket for a raffle prize.

This is our biggest fundraiser to support students and we would love for you to help out. 


Attendance Procedure at ALPs Charter School

Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school by 9am on the day of absence.   
Call 920-424-0349 - leave a message if the secretaries do not answer. 
*APPOINTMENT - state the date and time of the appointment.
*PERSONAL EXCUSE - you do not need to give a reason, but you can if you would like.
*ILL - state your child's symptoms or if they have received a diagnosis from a doctor. If more information is needed, a school nurse may give you a call back.
*VACATION - state the dates your child will be absent and when they are returning to school.
~ Thank you for helping us keep your student's attendance as accurate as possible ~


New Field Trip Process

Please click on the letter below to read about the new field trip process that will be taking effect this school year.


Volunteer Application Process

*Scroll to the bottom and click on "Volunteer Application Process" to get started.



What's happening in our community? 

Community Event Links

Food Service

Employment Opportunities 

Click HERE to view available openings!

Let's stay connected!
Be sure to follow us on

Please check your student’s fees in IC

Students fees will follow them all
through their school career in OASD,
and can make them ineligible for
participation in some activities.


Sign up for and/or reset
Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Parent Portal Request Form

Become a Canvas Observer
Feel free to email Tim Kohl at

if you need assistance.


January Photos