Tipler Middle School & ALPs
Stay up to date with the latest news from Perry Tipler Middle School.
Tipler Tips - Weekly Announcements
Summer 2024
Tipler Tips
BREAKFAST begins in the cafeteria at 7:55am.
Upcoming Events:
Sept 3
8:19am-3:37pm - 1st Day of School!
Tipler/ALPs 2024-2025
Open House
**Wednesday, August 28**
ALPs & 6th GRADE: 3:30-5pm
7th & 8th GRADE: 5-6:30pm
From the Health Office
**All medications are to be picked up by the parent/guardian on or before the last day of school.
Our policy will not allow us to keep them for the next school year.
**If your child has a current health plan or emergency plan on file with school, you will receive a copy during the summer to update for the upcoming school year.
**If your child has a change in their health or has a healthcare need at school, please contact our school district nurse, Stefanie Rebholz via email during the summer and she will contact you at the beginning of the school year to discuss.
**If your child will need to take medication at school, please work with your doctor to have the following form completed and signed before the start of the school year. As a reminder, the directions on the medication bottle must match the written order on the medication request form.
**If you have a child with a severe allergy and/or asthma, or seizures the following forms will need to be completed for our school nurse. Inhalers, Epi-Pens, Allergy medications, etc, must be in their original containers. Expiration dates will be monitored.
7th Grade Immunization Requirements
(First dose given at age 11, before entering 7th grade)
A Tdap immunization is required before entering 7th grade as required by Wisconsin State Law.
A Tdap immunization is required before entering 7th grade as required by Wisconsin State Law.
A Meningococcal conjugate immunization is now required before entering 7th grade per Wisconsin State Law.
Please inform your school of the immunizations your child has received by emailing the school nurse (Stefanie Rebholz, RN) with your child’s name and date of immunization.
**If you choose to sign a waiver, please contact your school office or click on this link:
to obtain the paperwork. On the paperwork, you will need to complete Step 1, Step 4 and Step 5, sign and return to your school before the start of 7th grade. Forms may be dropped off at your child’s school office.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Stefanie Rebholz, RN
920-424-4090 ext 3034 (office)
920-379-3254 (text/cell)
Attendance Procedure at Perry Tipler Middle School
Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school by 9am on the day of absence(s).
Call 920-424-0320 - leave a message if the secretaries do not answer.
*APPOINTMENT - state the date and time of pick-up for the appointment.
*PERSONAL EXCUSE - you do not need to give a reason, but you can if you would like.
*ILL - state your child's symptoms or if they have received a diagnosis from a doctor. If more information is needed, a school nurse may give you a call back.
*VACATION - state the dates your child will be absent and when they are returning to school.
*VACATION - state the dates your child will be absent and when they are returning to school.
~ Thank you for helping us keep your student's attendance as accurate as possible ~
Online Athletic Sign-Up
Athletic Forms- must be completed online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Payments- must be made online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Online Field Trip Sign-Up
All field trip sign-ups must be completed online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Click below for step-by-step instructions.
Volunteer Application Process
*Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click on "Volunteer Application Process" to get started.
Sign up for and/or reset
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Become a Canvas Observer
Student Drop-off & Pick-up
Students being dropped off before school and picked up after school need to do so on Bismarck Street.
*Cars ARE NOT allowed in the circle drive.
*Please DO NOT stop or stand on Eagle Street.
*Please DO NOT drop-off/pick-up in our side parking lot.