Newsletter April 2021
ALPs Charter School
Model 2: In-Person Learning Five Days a Week
Parent Portal Request Form
April Events
7th & 8th Grade Track
6th Grade Cross Country
Good Luck, Falcons &Tigers !
During this school year, we are designating money earned from Kwik Trip cards orderes for the 2023 Washington DC school trip. If you are interested in ordering this month, please send your order/payment to to school with your child. If you forget, please either email or call Mrs. Warczak with your order.
DC KT - Order Form
DC KT - Program Details
Existing Families: Annual enrollment for returning (existing) students is required and only by fully completing the enrollment process will a student’s place at school be assured. The annual enrollment process includes updating demographic and contact information, as well as making online fee and food service payments. Existing families must complete the online enrollment process by accessing their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
DEADLINE: All returning (existing) students must be registered by August 31, 2021.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Completing Annual Student Enrollment
Parent Letter: Annual Online Registration Now Open!
Art News
COVID Data and Symptoms
In an effort to still track return to school dates for students, we would like you to continue to notify your child's school when they have symptoms or have been in close contact/household contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.
Employment Opportunities!
2021 Suicide Prevention Model Notice
Wisconsin state law requires schools to provide staff and students with basic awareness materials to prevent suicide. We are sharing this information with all families through the newsletter so that you are also informed of the suicide warning signs. Please contact our school counselor, Lisa Duff, or me, Sarah Poquette, Principal, if you have any questions about the information or specific concerns regarding your child. Thank you for your continued support.
Phone: (920) 424-0320