Newsletter April 2024

Free photo: Tiger, Snarling, Close-Up, Head - Free Image on ...


Perry Tipler Middle School 

      PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION begins at 7:45am.
         BREAKFAST begins in the cafeteria at 7:55am.

April Events:

March 29
**Last Day to Order Yearbooks**
April 1
Summer School Registration closes (at 3pm)
April 8 
3:45-5pm - 1st track practice!
April 12
NO SCHOOL for students staff development
April 18
7pm - Jazz JAM at North HS

Wisconsin Forward Testing

Tipler/ALPs students will be completing the Wisconsin Forward Exams April 10-19.  Please make every attempt to be sure your student is at school during this important testing time.  Thank you! 
**Students need to bring wired headphones for testing-

Wishing our Tipler/ALPs Students, Families & Staff a FUN & SAFE Spring Break!

* March 23-31 *

Girls Go Forward

Girls Go Forward will be offered at Tipler this Spring!

Mondays & Wednesdays, April 1 - May 9


Click below for more information:

Orchestra News

from Mr. Nutini

Congratulations to 7th grade ALPs student Yui W. On March 2, Yui participated in the WSMA District Solo and Ensemble Festival at Neenah High School. Yui performed a violin solo in class A (the highest class of repertoire) and received a star 1st rating. This highest possible rating qualified Yui for the WSMA State Solo and Ensemble Festival which will be held at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh on April 27. We wish Yui all the best as she heads to state!

Good Luck at State, Yui!



Jazz JAM Concert

Come see the Tipler Jazz Band! 

The Tipler Jazz Band will be participating in the Jazz JAM (Jazz Appreciation Month) Concert held on
Thursday, April 18th at 7pm
in the Oshkosh North High School Auditorium.

Art News

with Mrs. Meyer

On March 17, 2024, a group of Tipler/ALPs art students were celebrated and awarded for their work within the Helen Farnsworth Mears Art Contest/Exhibit.  Students Thatcher S, CiCi E, Katie W, Carmen T, and Brody E were all awarded certificates and donated gifts of art supplies and more.  These students’ works will be on display until March 31, 2024, at the Oshkosh Public Library.  Other students whose work are also a part of the contest/exhibit are:  Elric V, Oakley C, Zoey P, Rose M, Harrison L, Rachel S, Alina H, Raewyn P, Lily D, Lucy H, Michaela G, and Millie K.  Thank you to these students for all their hard work and efforts within their created art works!

Mark your calendars!  Clear your schedules! 

**The Annual Tipler/ALPs Art Show**

DATE:  Thursday, May 16, 2024
TIME:  5-7pm
PLACE:  Perry Tipler Middle School cafeteria  
Both two and three-dimensional artwork from art students from this school year will be on display.  Come see the talents and creativity of the art students of Perry Tipler Middle and ALPs Charter Schools.  Stay to watch and listen to the Tipler/ALPs orchestra students perform their spring concert after the art show.  
*All artwork in the show is welcome to be taken home by their creator and/or family after the Art Show has concluded.


Mrs. Meyer is always looking for newspaper donations for use in her classroom.  Please drop off any newspaper donations to Perry Tipler’s main office, or to room 202.  Any help would be appreciated!
If you have any question or concerns regarding art projects or goings-on in the art room, please contact the art teacher:
Mrs. Emily Meyer 

424-0320  ext. 5550



This August, UW Oshkosh will once again be holding the Summer Oshkosh Mathematics Academy (SOMA), a 4-day summer math camp for students entering grades 6-8.
  • What: Summer Oshkosh Mathematics Academy
  • Dates: Monday August 12 through Thursday August 15, 2024
  • Location: UWO Oshkosh campus
  • Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm daily
  • Who: For students entering Grades 6-8 
  • Registration Fee: $360, $240 or $120. 

For more information about SOMA, including how to register, please visit:




Health Services 

Dear Parent or Guardian of a 7th grade student,
The health office may be performing the following screening with your child:

Vision - April 2, 2024

If our screening identifies a concern you will be notified via US mail. We would encourage you to follow up with your physician at that time. If you do not receive anything that means your child passed his/her screening and requires no further action. 
*If you would like to opt out of these free screenings, please notify your school nurse as soon as possible. 
Stefanie Rebholz, BSN, RN email:
920-424-4090 ext 3034


Track School Store is Open

If your 7th or 8th grader is interested in joining the track team please go into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal and sign them up.  


Practices begin April 8
All practices are 3:45-5pm

Track Schedule

Online Athletic Sign-Up

Athletic Forms- must be completed online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Payments- must be made online through the Infinite  Campus Parent Portal 

8th Annual Tipler/ALPs Golf Outing

Hello Tipler/ALPs Families, 

I am reaching out to ask for your support. On May 18, 2024 Perry Tipler will be hosting our 8th Annual Golf Outing at Far Vu Golf Course. The purpose of our golf outing is to collect funds to use for our students. This year we will use funds to help with field trip costs, playground equipment, and student recognition incentives like gift cards and food items. 
We are looking for support from our families in the following ways:
  1. Basket Sponsor ($ Varies)- Create a themed basket for the raffle.
  2. Family Hole Sponsor ($50)
  3. Family Lunch Sponsor ($100) 
  4. Sign up a Golf Team ($70/player or $280/team)
  5. Volunteer the day of the event to help.
  6. Monetary donation ($ Varies) 
If you can help with any of these items, they can be dropped off to Sarah Poquette in the office.  If you are interested in playing golf, please email Jamie Horn at   
Thank you for considering helping with our golf outing. If you have any questions, please reach out. 

Sarah Poquette, Principal

The Oshkosh Area School District invites parents/guardians to participate in a practical and entertaining five-week parenting program.  It will be held on Wednesdays beginning April 10th, from 5:00 - 7:00 PM at Carl Traeger Elementary.  This program is open to anyone who works with children or has children of their own. Participants have the opportunity to meet with other parents/guardians/educators and discuss and practice a new strategy each week. 
  • Do you want to feel more confident as a parent? 
  • Would you like to have more fun parenting?
  • Do you want to feel more relaxed at the end of the day? 
  • Are you interested in learning practical parenting skills that you can use immediately?
This program is for you! 
All for only $10 which covers the cost of the manual.
Pre-registration via email is required. See flyer for more information.


First page of the PDF file: OPDYouthCampFlyer1

3rd Annual Leadership Camp

Tipler Parents of Teenagers,
We will be holding our 3rd Annual Leadership Camp in June and would love to have your kids participate.  This is NOT a police academy.   The camp is run by your SROs but we do not talk about law enforcement at all,  It really is a camp for building leaders in our community. 
Our schedule this summer includes:
FVTC Ropes Course
Scavenger Hunt
Oshkosh Truck Experience
We will be volunteering at:
Oshkosh Pantry
Senior Center
Warming shelter
Veterans Museum
*All of the activities and daily lunches are included in the $25 registration fee. 

Open Enrollment 2024-2025

Applications to attend another public school OUTSIDE of the OASD for the 2024-2025 school year are due by 4pm on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Click below for more information and link to application:

Bismarck Street is meant for drop-off and pick-up ONLY.

Safer Drop-off and Pick-up Options:

*North side of Bismarck Street to avoid crossing traffic
*Near crossing guard to ensure safe crossing
*Further down Bismarck Street to avoid congested areas

*NO DROP-OFF or PICK-UP  in our parking lot or the circle drive*

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!

Online Field Trip Sign-Up

Sign-up for all field trips is done through the School Store on your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Click below for step-by-step instructions.

Volunteer Application Process

*Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click on "Volunteer Application Process" to get started.

Attendance Procedure at Perry Tipler Middle School

Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school by 9am on the day of absence(s).   
Call 920-424-0320 - leave a message if the secretaries do not answer. 
*APPOINTMENT - state the date and time of pick-up for the appointment.
*PERSONAL EXCUSE - you do not need to give a reason, but you can if you would like.
*ILL - state your child's symptoms or if they have received a diagnosis from a doctor. If more information is needed, a school nurse may give you a call back.
*VACATION - state the dates your child will be absent and when they are returning to school.
~ Thank you for helping us keep your student's attendance as accurate as possible ~


Sign up for and/or reset
Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Parent Portal Request Form

Become a Canvas Observer
Feel free to email Tim Kohl at

if you need assistance.


Let's stay connected!
Be sure to follow us on
"Perry Tipler Middle/ALPs Charter"

Community Links

Stay connected with what's happening in our community!

Be sure to check your student’s fees in Infinite Campus.

Student fees will follow them all through their school career in Oshkosh Area School District and can make them ineligible for participation in some activities.