Tipler Middle School & ALPs
Newsletter December 2020
Perry Tipler
Middle School
Model 4 - Virtual Learning
This Month's Events:
Dec 1 - 22 iReady Testing at Home (see info below)
Dec 23 - Jan 3 Winter Break- No School
*School resumes virtually on January 4, 2021
iReady Testing at Home
K-8 iReady Math & Reading Assessments
Your child’s math and literacy teachers will be assigning the winter iReady diagnostic to be completed at home between December 1-22, 2020.
iReady Information & Instructions
Calling All Tipler/ALPs students!
Enter for a chance to win 1 of 3 gift cards!
Your photo could be featured in our yearbook!
Click below to learn how!
Time is Running Out!
Have you ordered your 2020-2021 Yearbook yet?
Enter & Select "Tipler Middle School",
then continue with purchasing process.
Yearbook cost is $18.
Feeding America
Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry will be in Oshkosh November 23 - December 28.
This additional food distribution option is to ensure all families in need have access to food for their entire family.
Community Links
Stay connected with what is happening out in our community!
View events happening in our community.
Let's stay connected!
Be sure to follow us on
"Perry Tipler Middle/ALPs Charter"
Food Drive & Raffle
Starts now, ends Wednesday, 12/16
The 4th/5th grade students are again hosting a food drive for the Oshkosh Area Kiwanis Club! Non-perishable items can be dropped off at the main entrance of Tipler. Please leave your item(s) in a plastic/paper bag outside the entrance. EMAIL or CALL Mrs. Warczak to let her know how many items you've dropped off and she'll enter your name that same number of times into a raffle drawing to win a giant, stuffed animal!
(920) 424-0349 (It's ok to leave a message!)
COVID Data and Symptoms
In an effort to still track return to school dates for students, we would like you to continue to notify your student's school when they have symptoms or have been a close contact/household contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.
Please call 920-424-0320

or email :