Tipler Middle School & ALPs
Newsletter March 2020
Perry Tipler
Middle School
Upcoming Events:
Mar 3 8:30am-12pm
8 gr Career Days
Mar 10 7pm
all city 7&8 gr Orchestra Concert at West HS
Mar 11 1:26pm
Early Release
Mar 12 7pm
8 gr Band-o-Rama at West HS
Mar 17 7pm
all city 7&8 gr Choir Concert at West HS
Mar 19 5:30pm
Tipler Family Night
(watch for more info)
Mar 21-29 No School
Spring Break
Oshkosh Area School District
2020 Summer School
Online registration will be open March 2nd-20th
on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Click LETTER to view the 2020 Summer School Letter to Families.
Click COURSES to view the 2020 Summer School Courses Guide.
Click INFO for more information.
Fox Valley Technical College
2020 Summer Camps
Click Summer 2020 to view the schedule of Summer Camps
available through FVTC, along with dates and pricing.
Tipler Wrestling
March Schedule
Mar 3 4pm at Traeger MS
Mar 5 4pm at Tipler
Mar 7 8:30am at Appleton North Invite
Mar 10 4pm at Tipler
Mar 12 4pm at Merrill MS
Mar 19 4:30pm all city meet at Traeger
Community Links
Student Attendance
State Law allows you to excuse your student up to ten (10) times within a school year (all or part of a day) without a medical excuse. Once your child has absences beyond the 10 days, you may be required to bring a medical excuse to excuse absences. *If you have received a letter requiring that you bring a medical excuse, any absence without a medical excuse will be marked as unexcused.
When a student receives five (5) unexcused absences, they are considered habitually truant and a meeting will have to be set up to come up with a plan to remedy the attendance concerns. The best way to help your student be successful in school is to help them maintain positive school attendance. We appreciate your help with this matter.
Art News
Spring art-show season is upon us and the students’ work is ready to be admired. Artwork representing all public schools from Oshkosh will be on celebrated at the Youth Art Month Show which will be held at the Art Space Collective, located at 7 Merritt Ave., Oshkosh, Saturday, March 7, from 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. Art Space also has other times available to view the show. Here are the open times: Wednesdays & Thursdays 5-8 PM, and Saturdays & Sundays 1-4 PM, throughout the month of March after the opening reception March 7. Students from Tipler whose work will be on display are:
6th GRADE - Adriana T, Henry J, Pierce G
7th GRADE - Layla M
8th GRADE - Maddie M
The Helen Farnsworth Mears Contest/Exhibit will also be held throughout March at the Oshkosh Public Library. Artworks from 7th & 8th grade students throughout Oshkosh will be on display. Students whose work will be included in the contest/exhibit are:
7th GRADE - Sophia H, Gavin M, Sarah Z, Mickael P, Sofia C, Caitlyn P, Makenna F
8th GRADE- Mikayla E, Aubrey M, Kyla H, Madison Z, Charlee M, Zephan P
**The Annual Tipler Art Show will be coming in May!**
Stay tuned for more information in the upcoming months.
Mrs. Meyer is always looking for newspaper donations for use in her classroom.
Please drop off any newspaper donations to Perry Tipler’s main office or to room 202. Any help would be appreciated!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding art projects or goings-on, please contact:
Mrs. Emily Meyer at 424-0320 ext. 6480 or emily.meyer@oshkosh.k12.wi.us
Middle Years
Click March 2020 to view the monthly informational material for parents of middle school children.
6th Grade Literacy Book Reviews
Ms. Sweetalla's 6th grade literacy class recently completed their 2nd quarter book reviews.
Here are a couple books that students recommend for YOU!
Click links below to view each book review.