Newsletter March 2024

Free photo: Tiger, Snarling, Close-Up, Head - Free Image on ...


Perry Tipler Middle School 

      PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION begins at 7:45am.
         BREAKFAST begins in the cafeteria at 7:55am.

March Events:

March 1
4-10pm  - Ski Club
March 6
8am - OASD Summer School Registration begins!
March 8
NO SCHOOL for students staff development
9am-4pm - Ski Club
March 22
Lip Sync Competition
~End of Quarter 3~
March 23-31
NO SCHOOL - Spring Break!


Wisconsin Forward Testing

Tipler/ALPs students will be completing the Wisconsin Forward Exams April 10-19.  Please make every attempt to be sure your student is at school during this important testing time.  Thank you! 
**Students need to bring wired headphones for testing-

Looking Ahead - Field Trips

Please click links to view the parent letter for each grade level in preparation for their End-of-Year field trips.

8th Annual Tipler/ALPs Golf Outing

Hello Tipler/ALPs Families, 

I am reaching out to ask for your support. On May 18, 2024 Perry Tipler will be hosting our 8th Annual Golf Outing at Far Vu Golf Course. The purpose of our golf outing is to collect funds to use for our students. This year we will use funds to help with field trip costs, playground equipment, and student recognition incentives like gift cards and food items. 
We are looking for support from our families in the following ways:
  1. Basket Sponsor ($ Varies)- Create a themed basket for the raffle.
  2. Family Hole Sponsor ($50)
  3. Family Lunch Sponsor ($100) 
  4. Sign up a Golf Team ($70/player or $280/team)
  5. Volunteer the day of the event to help.
  6. Monetary donation ($ Varies) 
If you can help with any of these items, they can be dropped off to Sarah Poquette in the office.  If you are interested in playing golf, please email Jamie Horn at   
Thank you for considering helping with our golf outing. If you have any questions, please reach out. 

Sarah Poquette, Principal

Art News

with Mrs. Meyer

It’s art show season with March being Youth Art Month! 
Our local celebrations will be taking place throughout March in Oshkosh. 
OASD Central Office - 215 S. Eagle Street 
Our month began a little early on February 28, at the school board meeting, with students being acknowledged for their artwork on display. 
The following student artwork will be on display:
6th graders - Millie I and Ella S
7th graders - Harrison L, Elric V and Ariel V
8th graders - Adalynn H and CiCi E
ArtSpace Collective - 7 Merritt Avenue
Hosting the display of student artwork from all Oshkosh Area School District schools from March 2 - March 21. Opening of the show will be on March 2 from 6-9pm.  Regular gallery hours are Wednesdays & Thursdays 5-8pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm, and Sundays 1-4pm. 
The following student artwork will be on display:
6th grader - Cora V
8th graders - CiCi E, Brayden G, Alina H and Millie K
The Helen Farnsworth Mears Art Contest/Show - 106 Washington Avenue (lower level of the Oshkosh Public Library)
Celebrating the artwork of 7th and 8th grade students throughout the state, will be held throughout the month March 1-31, 2024.  A reception for all participating students and their families will be held on March 17 from 1:30 - 3:00pm.
The following student artwork will be on display:
7th-graders - Oakley C, Harrison L, Rose M, Zoey P, Rachel S, Thatcher S and Elric V.
8th-graders - Brody E, CiCi E, Lily D, Michaela G, Alina H, Lucy H, Millie K, Raewyn P, Carmen T and Katie W.

**The art rooms are always looking for newspaper donations to use with projects.  Please consider saving any newspapers you might get and dropping them off at school or send them with your student(s).  Newspapers are always welcome in the art rooms.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding art projects or course happenings, please contact:
Mrs. Meyer
920-424-0320  ext. 6480

Be sure to sign up early!  Classes fill up fast! 
Classes without enough students enrolled may be canceled. 
OASD Summer School offers a variety of in-person and virtual classes for students entering kindergarten through high school, including athletic camps, music camps, and eAcademy options. While remedial courses are available, the majority of courses are designed to keep students thinking and exploring during the summer. 
Click links below for more information and registration instructions: 
*Summer School enrollment is FREE and available for all OASD students, students who live within the district boundaries, and students who are open-enrolled in the OASD. 

Exchange Host Families Needed!

Will you have a student attending Oshkosh West in the 2024-2025 school year?
Are you interested in hosting a German student for two weeks?
The Oshkosh West Sister School program will be hosting approximately 20 German students from Rüsselsheim for two weeks in October of 2024 (exact dates are to be determined). We need host families! The host families are responsible for providing food, transportation, and sleeping accommodation for the German student. The German students are very well versed in English.
*The plan is we will then travel to Germany in June of 2025 and stay with host families.
*The approximate cost of the trip to Germany will be around $2500.00.
Pictures from our previous trip
If you need any more information please contact:
Patrick Bertram at or Kelly Wayne at


Yearbooks will ONLY be sold online by clicking the link below.
Enter "Tipler Middle School" 
Click "buy a yearbook"
Enter your student's name and homeroom teacher. 
Enter your credit card information. 

 Cost is $18

Parent Portal Update

Parents can now easily see the field trips or items they have completed in School Store through a recent update on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
To access this feature, please go to Activity Registration and select from the menu at top.  See image below.


Lego League News & Fundraiser

Baksteen Valken, First Lego League team, have qualified to compete at the national American Robotics Tournament in Rutherford, New Jersey on May 18 & 19.  They are looking for support and fundraising for the team to travel to New Jersey May 17-20.
Click the link below to learn more and/or donate:

Lego League - fundraiser


Online Athletic Sign-Up

Athletic Forms- must be completed online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Payments- must be made online through the Infinite  Campus Parent Portal 

Tipler/ALPs Spring Choir Concert Change!

Monday, May 13th, at 6:30pm at Alberta Kimball Auditorium (West High School)
Grades included are 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th-Grade from both Tipler and ALPs
(Students in all grades should report at 6pm)
Thank you families for being flexible. This was the only date we could get into Alberta Kimball and it's a very exciting and wonderful opportunity for the students to perform in an the seating is more comfortable for you!
Any questions or comments, please email Mr. Lindley at:

Open Enrollment 2024-2025

Applications to attend another public school OUTSIDE of the OASD for the 2024-2025 school year are due by 4pm on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Click below for more information and link to application:

Hello Parents and Guardians, 

I am reaching out to ask for support. There is a lot of research showing that teenagers and cell phones negatively impact student learning.  My goal is to create the best learning environment possible and it is being impacted by student cell phone use. 
We are seeing an increase of students using and carrying their cell phones at school.  Our school policy is that students may bring phones but they are off and away all day in their lockers.  
Students are taking cell phones out and carrying them in their pockets.  This is causing students to ask to use the restrooms more frequently and then using cell phones in the bathrooms. Cell phones need to stay in student lockers.
We have reviewed the following expectations with students and appreciate your help enforcing these at home.
Student cell phones must stay in lockers.
Students may not carry cell phones in their pockets.
Students always have the ability to come to the office to call parents.
If a student is found to have a cell phone in their pocket or using it during school hours, staff will bring their phone to the office and it can be picked up after school by the student. 
If a student repeatedly is found to use their cell phone or carry them in their pockets, staff will bring their phone to the office and parents will be called to pick up the phone. Other arrangements may be made such as: students will not be allowed to bring their cell phone to school, students will need to drop off their cell phones when they arrive at school and can pick it up after school. 
We need to work together to solve this problem.  Thank you in advance for supporting our school and staff. 
Sarah Poquette
-February 16, 2024

Online Field Trip Sign-Up

Sign-up for all field trips is done through the School Store on your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Click below for step-by-step instructions.

Volunteer Application Process

*Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click on "Volunteer Application Process" to get started.

Attendance Procedure at Perry Tipler Middle School

Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school by 9am on the day of absence(s).   
Call 920-424-0320 - leave a message if the secretaries do not answer. 
*APPOINTMENT - state the date and time of pick-up for the appointment.
*PERSONAL EXCUSE - you do not need to give a reason, but you can if you would like.
*ILL - state your child's symptoms or if they have received a diagnosis from a doctor. If more information is needed, a school nurse may give you a call back.
*VACATION - state the dates your child will be absent and when they are returning to school.
~ Thank you for helping us keep your student's attendance as accurate as possible ~

~ Please Slow Down in our School Zones ~

The corner of Bismarck and Eagle Streets can be especially dangerous for our students before and after school.  

Please slow down and watch for pedestrians. 

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!


Sign up for and/or reset
Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Parent Portal Request Form

Become a Canvas Observer
Feel free to email Tim Kohl at

if you need assistance.


Let's stay connected!
Be sure to follow us on
"Perry Tipler Middle/ALPs Charter"

Community Links

Stay connected with what's happening in our community!

Be sure to check your student’s fees in Infinite Campus.

Student fees will follow them all through their school career in Oshkosh Area School District and can make them ineligible for participation in some activities.