Newsletter May 2021
Perry Tipler
Middle School
May Events:
Looking Ahead...
June Events:
Wednesday, May 5th
Yearbook Sale!!!
May 3 - 28
Spring Sports Schedules
Good Luck, Tigers!
**NO practices on Early Release days.
8th Grade Promotional Ceremony
Thursday, June 3rd at 2pm
Now Open!
Parent Letter: Annual Online Registration Now Open!
Existing Families: Annual enrollment for returning (existing) students is required and only by fully completing the enrollment process will a student’s place at school be assured. The annual enrollment process includes updating demographic and contact information, as well as making online fee and food service payments. Existing families must complete the online enrollment process by accessing their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Completing Annual Student Enrollment
August 31, 2021
Let's stay connected!
Community Links
2021 - 2022 School Supply Lists
Looking ahead...
Student fees will follow them all through their school career in Oshkosh Area School District and can make them ineligible for participation in some activities.