Newsletter April 2021

Free photo: Tiger, Snarling, Close-Up, Head - Free Image on ...


        Perry Tipler

      Middle School

     Model 2: In-Person Learning 5 Days a Week

This Month's Events:

March 27 thru April 4   
Spring Break! - No School 
April 12 - 16     
Tipler - Wisconsin Forward Exams
April 12     3:37 - 4:45pm
 1st day of Cross Country practice!
April 12     3:37 - 5pm
1st day of Track practice!
April 14     1:26pm 
Early Release
April 21 - 23     
eAcademy -  Wisconsin Forward Exams

7th & 8th Grade Track

6th Grade Cross Country

Middle School Track and Cross Country
practices will begin on Monday, April 12th!
Track practices   3:37 - 5pm
(contact Coach Bosovic with any questions)
Cross Country practices   3:37 - 4:45pm
(contact Coach Prado with any questions)
*Meet schedules will be shared
as soon as they become available.

Good Luck, Tigers! 

Have a Great Season!


Art News

The art room is once again allowing students the opportunity to work with art media like pencil, watercolor, ceramic/clay sculpture, and wire sculpture.  Ideas are being drawn out, and students are implementing their plans.  It will be exciting to see all that is created throughout the rest of the semester.
The Helen Farnsworth Mears Contest/Exhibit will also be held throughout April at the Oshkosh Public Library.  Artworks from 7th and 8th-grade students throughout Oshkosh will be on display through a digital slide show, an accommodation due to current pandemic safety practices.  Students whose work will be included in the contest/exhibit are: 
7th grade - Kiara D (Tipler), Jessica G (Tipler), Kennedy M (ALPs), Audin R (Tipler)
8th grade - Kennedy F (Tipler), Makenna F (Tipler), Trip K (ALPs)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding art projects or course happenings, please contact:
Mrs. Emily Meyer at 424-0320, ext. 6480  or email:

Wisconsin Forward Exams

Informational Letter to Parents


Sign up for Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Parent Portal Request Form

Spirit Dress-Up Days!

Mrs. Mellgren’s Homeroom enjoyed our spirit dress up days! They had 100% participation for two weeks straight! Take a look at some of the FUN! 

Way to show your

Tipler/ALPs Spirit!


Opens April 1, 2021

Existing Families: Annual enrollment for returning (existing) students is required and only by fully completing the enrollment process will a student’s place at school be assured. The annual enrollment process includes updating demographic and contact information, as well as making online fee and food service payments. Existing families must complete the online enrollment process by accessing their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. 

DEADLINE: All returning (existing) students must be registered by August 31, 2021

   Step-by-Step Instructions for Completing Annual Student Enrollment

Parent Letter:  Annual Online Registration Opens April 1st!


Wishing our Tipler/ALPs Students, Families and Staff a Safe & FUN Spring Break! 

Community Links

Stay connected with what's happening in our community!
Let's stay connected!
Be sure to follow us on

"Perry Tipler Middle/ALPs Charter"

Employment Opportunities!

OASD has multiple positions open within the Food Service Department! Click below for more information!

Infinite Campus Fees

Be sure to check your student’s fees in Infinite Campus.

Student fees will follow them all through their school career in Oshkosh Area School District and can make them ineligible for participation in some activities.

Youth Suicide Prevention

Wisconsin state law requires schools to provide staff and students with basic awareness materials to prevent suicide. We are sharing this information with all families through the newsletter so that you are also informed of the suicide warning signs. Please contact me or our school counselor, Lisa Duff, if you have any questions about the information or specific concerns regarding your child.

Dr. Sarah Poquette, Principal

Youth Suicide Prevention - flyer

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records.  These rights are:
     1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day a written request is              received.
     2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are            inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.
     3. The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the                      student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
     4. The right to know that school districts can disclose education records to each other without parent consent if student              is enrolling or transferring to another district.
     5. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by a school to comply              with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
Note: for a review of additional details for each of the above items, please click HERE.