Newsletter May 2022
Perry Tipler
Middle School
May Events:
Looking Ahead...
June Events:
End-of-the-Year Field Trip Information

Yearbook Sale!
Did you order your yearbook?
On sale May 16 - 27 ~ Cost $20
Cash or check will be accepted in the Tipler office.
The Tipler/ALPs Golf Outing is Back!
On May 14, 2022, Far Vu Golf Course in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is generously hosting our 6th Annual Perry Tipler Middle School 4-person 18-hole golf scramble. The proceeds from the golf outing will be used by the Communities Committee to improve and enhance our inventory for our guided reading, English Language Learners, and our developing literacy skills classes to ensure that our students are lifelong readers. Along with this plan, we will use the revenue to continue to support our Positive Behavior Instructional Support (PBIS) program as well.
Come join in the fun!

Leadership Camp for
Youth Ages 14-16
Community Links
Track Schedule
Art News
Mark your calendars! Clear your schedules!
The Annual Tipler/ALPs Art Show will take place Thursday, May 12, 2022, from 5:00 - 7:00 PM, in the Perry Tipler Middle School cafeteria. Both two and three-dimensional artwork from art students from this school year will be on display. Come see the talents and creativity of the art students of Perry Tipler Middle and ALPs Charter Schools.
**All artwork in the show is welcome to be taken home by their creator and/or family after the Art Show has concluded.**
If you have any question or concerns regarding art projects or goings-on, please contact your student’s art teacher:
Mrs. Meyer 424-0320 ext. 6480
Mr. VanDamme 424-0320 ext. 6805
Sign up for and/or reset
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Become a Canvas Observer
if you need assistance.
From the Health Office
Stefanie Rebholz, RN
*Next School Year*
2022-2023 TIPLER
Let's stay connected!

Student fees will follow them all through their school career in Oshkosh Area School District and can make them ineligible for participation in some activities.