Tipler Middle School & ALPs
Newsletter November 2019
Perry Tipler
Middle School
Upcoming Events:
Nov 7 7pm
7 & 8 gr Band Concert
7 & 8 gr Band Concert
Nov 8 2pm
Veterans Day Celebration
Nov 13 1:26pm
Early Release
Early Release
Nov 14 4-7pm
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov 19 4-7pm
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov 27-29 No School
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Click HERE to view the
Perry Tipler Events Calendar
Veterans Day Celebration
We will be honoring our veterans with a special program on
November 8th at 2pm.
If you know someone who may like to attend,
please RSVP as soon as possible.
Call Mrs. Lundquist at
424-0320 ext. 5501
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held at Tipler:
Nov 14th- 4-7pm
Nov 19th- 4-7pm
Walsworth Yearbook Orders
You can now order and pay for yearbooks online directly from Walsworth at:
Enter school name “Tipler Middle School”
Click “Shop the Store”
Click “Yearbook Only” & “Continue”
Sale ends January 17!
Enter school name “Tipler Middle School”
Click “Shop the Store”
Click “Yearbook Only” & “Continue”
Sale ends January 17!
Tipler Beach Party!
On October 4th, Perry Tipler & ALPs students celebrated a GREAT start to the school year with a Beach Party. We had a Hawaiian Dress-up Competition, where the best dressed from each classroom won a Pizza Ranch Gift Certificate. Students also enjoyed music, yard games, board games and had the chance to use their ROAR tickets to purchase popcorn and popsicles. It was a fun way to celebrate our students keeping with our ROAR expectations-
Responsible, Organized, Always Respectful!
Safety Day
Safety Day was recognized at Perry Tipler & ALPs on October 18th. Students and staff focused on safety during emergency situations. We held our monthly Fire Drill, practiced Evacuation Procedures and meeting at our Rally Points. Later, we met in our homerooms to discuss different scenarios, practice lockdown, and recognize/utilize barricade items in the classroom. Students did a great job working together and learning Safety First!
Art News
It's the start of the Art Show season again, and the students are doing their best to get projects completed for display. Artwork representing all students of OASD K-12 will be on display-
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Masonic Temple
204 Washington Ave, Oshkosh
Tipler/ALPs students whose work will be on display are:
6th GRADERS - Alex D, Aurora F, Maggee H, Ryan J, Sam K, Nora M, Delaney S, Meredith S, Rowen S
7th GRADERS - Sophia H, Gavin M, Trent M, Mickael P, Shaylee S, Isaiah T
8th GRADERS - David H, Gabby H, Kyla H, Katerina K, Lei’anna K, Abby M, Ava M, Madison R, Madison Z
In March 2020, the Helen Farnsworth Mears Contest will include artwork from 7th and 8th graders, along with the celebration of Youth Art Month, also occurring in March.
The Annual Tipler Art Show will be coming in May! Stay tuned for more information in the upcoming months.
Mrs. Meyer is always looking for newspaper donations for use in her classroom. Please drop off any newspaper donations to Perry Tipler's main office or to room 202.
Any help would be appreciated!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding art projects or goings-on, please contact the art teacher,
Mrs. Emily Meyer
424-0320 ext. 6480
What is Digital Citizenship?
Thinking critically and using technology responsibly to learn, create and participate. It’s important to be aware of the impression we make online.
Click HERE to view a family activity about
Digital Citizenship.
BRRRR... It's COLD outside!
Now that the temperatures are dropping,
please come to school prepared with the
appropriate clothing to stay warm.
We will be outside unless the windchill is below zero.
This also includes days it is snowing out. Thanks!
Middle Years
Click November 2019 Edition to access the monthly informational material for parents of middle school aged children.