Newsletter October 2024
Perry Tipler Middle School
BREAKFAST begins in the cafeteria at 7:55am.
October Events:
Tipler/ALPs Dress Up Days
October 7th - October 11th
Attendance Procedure at Perry Tipler Middle School
Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school by 9am on the day of absence(s).
Call 920-424-0320
- leave a message if the secretaries do not answer.
*VACATION - state the dates your child will be absent and when they are returning to school.
~ Thank you for helping us keep your student's attendance as accurate as possible ~
Online Athletic Sign-Up
October 7th: 7th Grade Volleyball v Traeger @ 4:00
8th Grade Volleyball @ Traeger @ 4:00
October 8th: 7th Grade Volleyball v South Park @ 4:00
8th Grade Volleyball @ South Park @ 4:00
Boys Basketball Info meeting:
Tuesday, October 8th: All interested 7th and 8th grade boys should attend this meeting.
7th Grade: Please meet in Mr. Lindley’s room during your recess (12:02-12:22)
8th Grade: Please meet in Mr. Lindley’s room during your recess (12:30 – 12:50)
Please make sure your parent or guardian has signed you up for basketball on the school store.
From the Health Office
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
**If your child requires medication to be given at school- please complete a medication request form and have your healthcare provider sign it. School staff cannot administer medications without your consent, the provider’s signature, and original labeled medication bottles. If medications need to be cut in half, parents must do that prior to sending the medication to school. The information on the medication sheet must match the information on the medication bottle.
**If your child has a health plan in place- you should have received an email with the plan attached. Please update and return as soon as possible.
**If your child has a serious allergy requiring antihistamines or an epipen at school- please provide that by the first day of school, with a completed Allergy plan form.
**Students with asthma are allowed to carry their rescue inhaler at school to use as needed- please have your provider complete this Asthma plan form and indicate that your student may self-carry.
**If your child has a seizure disorder- please complete this Seizure Action Plan form and have it signed by your provider.
**All diabetic students- must have emergency supplies and testing equipment provided by parents. The school nurse will need an updated diabetic plan in place prior to the start of school. Please be sure to contact the doctor's office to get updated diabetic orders sent to the school.
Immunization Requirements for 2024-2025 School Year:
**A Meningococcal conjugate immunization is now required before entering 7th grade per Wisconsin State Law.**A Tdap immunization is required before entering 7th grade as required by Wisconsin State Law- first dose given at age 11, before entering 7th grade.
Online Field Trip Sign-Up
Volunteer Application Process
Sign up for and/or reset
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Become a Canvas Observer
if you need assistance.
Let's stay connected!